
Monday, 29 March 2010

At the Airport: Putting Dialogue in Sequence, Matching, Jigsaw

online at the airport check-in passport control quiz jigsaw puzzle
My original posts on dialogue at the airport check-in and at the passport control have been rather popular, so I decided to improve them slightly here.

They have been combined into one quiz, and a matching vocabulary exercise has been added, too.

If you provide a valid email address, the results of the quiz along with the correct answers will be sent to it automatically.

Both the dialogues can be used as a guide for role-playing activities in the classroom. In role-playing activities, always encourage students to be adventurous in changing parts of the dialogue to suit their own circumstances.

Click here to begin the quiz.

Online Jigsaw Puzzle At The Airport Vocabulary
And here's a fun 64-piece online jigsaw puzzle. Click here to begin.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Capitals of the World Online Quiz & Jigsaw Puzzles

Wiki map of the world

Identify which country these 20 capitals belong to. Feedback is, as always, much appreciated. Click to begin!

My recent crossword puzzles have been rather popular, so here are some more!

online jigsaw puzzle 30-piece beginners jigsaw puzzle

60-piece intermediate jigsaw puzzle

140-piece advanced jigsw puzzle

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Unscramble these jumbled sentences (Adverbs of Frequency)

This activity was originally posted as a downloadable PowerPoint slide show in October 2009. You can see it here. There have been numerous requests for an online version, so here it is.

unscramble these jumbled sentences: adverbs of frequency

Monday, 22 March 2010

Unscramble these jumbled sentences (Daily Routines)

This activity was originally posted as a downloadable PowerPoint slide show in August 2009. You can see it here. There have been numerous requests for an online version, so here it is.

unscramble jumbled sentences: daily routines

Instant Bingo for the CLIL/EFL classroom

Most people play bingo with each player having a card containing a set of pictures, numbers, etc., and each card being different from the rest. However, that usually involves some preparation beforehand and quite a bit of printing.

However, if you haven't got anything prepared and you have some time at hand (or your students are clamouring for some games), you can still play it. First, let me explain the instructions for this quick system.

I've created a page containing 24 photos of things related to the animal kingdom (not sure why I've included mushrooms, though! LoL). You can, of course, use just about any topics from any core subject for bingo.

The game should be played in groups of 3 or 4 people.

There are 24 pictures, and they should be cut individually. Decide how many pictures you need - all 24 may be too much. Let's assume that we've decided to use sets of 15 pictures.

Place the 15 pictures in a bag or an envelope. They could all have the same set of pictures or not. Number the envelopes. The caller has the envelope with a complete set.

Hand one envelope to each group, and tell them to select 4 pictures (or more, depending on how long you want the game to last), and leave the rest in the envelope. The idea is that they will select those pictures they know the word for.

When they are ready, the caller removes a picture from his envelope and calls out the name of the animal. When they have the picture of the animal which has been called out, they turned it over. When they have all their pictures turned over, they shout "Bingo!".

When the game is over, each group puts their pictures back in their envelopes so you'll have a complete set for the next time you play!

So, what can you do if you haven't got anything prepared? Simple. Get the students to write/draw their selection in their notebooks. Say you want to revise numbers - you write a selection of numbers on the board, e.g., 13, 30, 14, 40, 15, 50, etc. or just dictate your instructions (such as "Choose any six numbers from 1 to 99!"). Ask them to select 4 or 6 or however many you decide, and play away! Rub the numbers off the board before you start and note down the numbers you call somewhere so you can make sure that the winners have actually got the right ones.

If you are in Maths class, you can do geometric figures or algebra; if you are in art class, you can ask them to draw the things you write on the board, and so on.

Bingo Animal Pics
View more documents from Chiew Pang.

If you prefer to download from Scribd, click here.

Present Continuous Activities

online cloze exercise: at the airport
Here are a few activities for you to practice the present continuous. This one here is a fill-in-the-gap exercise. Use the present simple or the present continuous.Click here to begin.

Present Continuous Jumbled words and sentences: Dialogue at the shop
This activity requires you to put jumbled words in their right order. There is also a dialogue exercise where you have to rearrange the jumbled sentences. Click here to begin.

Please note that there seems to be some bug in the software: when you've finished the quiz, it'll say 'sending email...'. This shouldn't take a long time. If you see that it keeps flashing that message, it's best to force the window to close or you and I will be bombarded with countless emails!

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Clothes and Accessories Online Crossword Puzzle

online clothes crossword puzzle
An online crossword puzzle I created for those of you who are learning/revising items of clothing. Click here or the image above to begin. Don't forget to come back here to comment!

If you prefer word searches, look here.

You may also like these:

(Classes/Types of) Clothing
Clothing Accessories
Parts of Clothing

Line Symmetry: video, quizzes, and online jigsaw puzzle

Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man
Last updated: 22 March 2010

Symmetry is covered in different subjects, for example, mathematics, science, technology, and humanities, but for the majority of us, the most familar form of understanding symmetry is geometrical symmetry. Within geometrical symmetry, there are also different types, the most familiar being line symmetry and rotational symmetry.

This post will deal only with 2-dimensional line symmetry.

If we draw an imaginary line across an object, and one side of it is the mirror image of the other, the object is said to have line symmetry; this imaginary line is called the 'line of symmetry'. Line symmetry is also known as reflection symmetry, mirror symmetry, mirror-image symmetry and bilateral symmetry.

butterfly: line symmetry
Flag of Spain: line symmetrySome objects, such as a butterfly, have only one line of symmetry; others have more than one.

We can see many examples of symmetry around us every day, for example, animals, traffic signs, cars, buildings and, of course, the human form itself.

Chiew's CLIL EFL Blog: Line Symmetry

Watch this video on symmetry by clicking on the image below. Due to copyrights issues, I am unable to embed the video here, but when you click on the image you will be directed to the video on Youtube.

Gemetric shapes symmetry quizPut your knowledge of symmetry to the test with this activity on geometric shapes. Click here to begin.
acLiLtocLiMB line symmetry quiz. Photo: Morten Hammer
And now, try this quiz. Your email is required; you will get the results together with the corrections sent to you. Click here to begin.

Taj Mahal online jigsaw puzzle
And if you enjoy a jigsaw puzzle challenge, try this 60-piece Taj Mahal puzzle. Click here to begin.

When you've done all the activities, please come back here to comment. Thanks. Have fun learning!

online line and radial symmetrical practice
Practise axial and radial symmetrical drawing online on this site. It's in Spanish though.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Colour Wheel (ART) - Online Jigsaw Puzzle

Chiew's EFL CLIL Blog: Colour Wheel
This is especially for jigsaw puzzle fans. I've created two versions; a 36-piece and a 100-piece one. 

While you're playing, try to remember that if you add one primary colour to another, you'll get a secondary colour, e.g. blue + yellow = green; and if you add a secondary colour and a primary colour, you'll get a tertiary colour, e.g.  green + blue = green-blue.

As usual, feedback will be greatly appreciated! Have fun!

The jigsaws are pretty simple. All the pieces are already the right way up, so there isn't any need to rotate any of them.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Reptiles: can you tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?

There is a great variety of reptiles here on planet Earth, and they first started to evolve more than 300 million years ago. There are more than 8,000 species of reptiles, and they include crocodiles, lizards, snakes, and turtles.

The majority of reptiles are oviparous (egg-laying), have scales, and breathe air through their lungs. Apart from snakes, all other reptiles have legs. Their legs are short and are used for crawling. Reptiles are cold-blooded, which explains why they like to lie in the sun!

They range in size from the tiny gecko (1.6 cm) to the saltwater crocodile, which may reach up to 7m in length and weigh over 1,000 kg! The leatherback turtle has endured for 100 million years, and can easily weigh 400 kg. A python can reach 10m in length, and a tortoise can live to more than 200 years!

Among the most frequently asked questions are what the differences are between a gecko and a lizard, a crocodile and an alligator, and a tortoise and a turtle.

The most important difference between a tortoise and a turtle is that a tortoise live on land and a turtle live in water.

A gecko is a type of lizard. They are usually small and live in warm climates. There are, however, many kinds of lizards (almost 4,000 species) and they include iguanas, chameleons, and the largest living lizard, the Komodo Dragon.

The difference between an alligator and a crocodile lies in its snout. The snout of a crocodile is long and is almost V-shaped. On the other hand, an alligator has a wider, U-shaped snout. Also, when their mouths are closed, you can see the crocodile's teeth but the alligator's teeth are not as visible.

Now, try this reptile labelling game. Have fun learning and don't forget to comment!

online jigsaw puzzle

10x8 Jigsaw Puzzle

14x7 Jigsaw Puzzle

Sources: Wiki, eHow, Yahoo, Enchanted Learning and National Geographic.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Understanding Chronology, Simple Quiz

This is a basic quiz to determine if you are familiar with how to read dates, and to understand chronology. If you are still unfamiliar with this, read the explanation of prehistory first.

Click on the image below to start the quiz. Providing your email is optional, but if you provide it, you will get the results of the quiz sent to you.

Have fun learning, and don't forget to comment!

Image created with Wordle
Click to begin Chronology Quiz.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

External Parts of a Frog

Learn a little more about frogs by watching this Flash activity, and doing a labelling quiz on the morphology of a frog.

Please come back here to leave a comment after you've played the game.

Chiew's CLIL EFL Blog: External Anatomy of a Frog

Click here to watch the life cycle of a frog

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

IV Premio Espiral edublogs 2010

Edublogs Espiral 2010

Thanks goes to Eugenia for recommending that I put up this blog for inclusion in the Espiral Edublogs 2010 awards. You can see the entry here. All comments are welcomed and appreciated.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Present Tense Practice: Quiz

The objective of this quiz is for you to practise the simple present tense with emphasis on animal vocabulary. Please provide your name and class for us to be able to identify you. An email address is optional, but if you do provide it, you'll get feedback sent to your inbox. Have fun learning!

Please come back here to leave a comment after you've played the game.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Prehistory: Basic Explanation of the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Metal Ages, plus Quiz


What is the meaning of prehistory? We can define prehistory as the period of human development during the time before the discovery of writing.

However, before we can understand history, it is essential to understand our dating system. The global calendar in use today is based on the Gregorian calendar, named after Pope Gregory XIII.

To label years in this system, we use the abbreviations AD and BC.

AD comes from the Medieval Latin term 'Anno Domini', translated as 'In the year of the Lord'. Traditionally, AD is written before the year (AD 587), although it is becoming increasingly common to see it written after it (587 AD). AD refers to the years following the birth of Jesus Christ.

BC, however, comes from English: Before Christ. (They enjoy confusing us, don't they?) BC is always written after the year number (2500 BC), and refers to the years before the birth of Christ.

To avoid the religious connotation of these labels, they are sometimes replaced by BCE and CE.

BCE stands for Before the Common Era or Before the Christian Era.
CE stands for the Common Era or the Christian Era.

To answer an often-asked question, there is no year 0. AD 1 (or 1 CE) immediately follows 1 BC (or 1 BCE).
Explaining AD and BC using Time Line

To complicate matters slightly, and to answer yet another common question, Jesus Christ wasn't born at precisely the time when 1 BC becomes AD 1. In fact, the time of his birth is almost impossible to predict with certainty. Any time between 7 BC and 1 BC is possible, but 6 BC is generally accepted to be the most accurate guess.

Another abbreviation, BP, is also sometimes used. BP stands for 'Before Present'. In other words, 12,010 BP means twelve thousand and ten years ago, which is the equivalent to 10,000 BC (we subtract the present year from 12,010).

Now that we understand how to label years, let's go back to the concept of prehistory.

Prehistory is broadly divided into the Stone Age and the Metal Age.

The Stone Age is further divided into the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic), the Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic), and the New Stone Age (Neolithic).

The Metal Age is divided into the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.

For the purpose of this post, we will classify prehistory into three groups:

The Paleolithic Age (beginning from about 2 million years ago)
The Neolithic Age (beginning around 9000 BC) and
The Metal Age (beginning about 5000 BC)

The Paleolithic humans made stone tools and survived by gathering plants and hunting animals. They were nomadic people. Nomadic means that they moved from place to place following the animals that they needed to hunt, and looking for plants they could eat. They slept in caves or in the open. Sometimes, they built wooden huts. They learned to make fires. They also started to decorate their caves with paintings.

The Neolithic human beings discovered agriculture and learned to domesticate animals, such as horses, goats and sheep. The first plants they cultivated were cereals: wheat, corn and rice. They stopped moving from place to place and started to live in villages, usually next to rivers.

They also discovered pottery and textiles.

In the Metal Age, the human beings made the first metal objects. First, they used copper, then they learned to use bronze, and much later, iron.

They made weapons, jewellery, and statues. The wheel, the sail and the plough were invented. They started making monuments with big blocks of stone (megaliths).

Now, try to classify the objects in the quiz in the correct age group: the Paleolithic Age, the Neolithic Age, or the Metal Age. To start the quiz, click on the image.

Chiew's ESL CLIL EFL Games Juegos Activities Actividades Blog: Prehistory Quiz - Paleolithic, Neolithic, Metal Ages
Teachers, please take note: some of my quizzes, like this one, for example, ask for an email. If an email is provided, the results get sent automatically to it. This allows you to grade/check your students' progress. If you haven't got an email for this purpose, I'd suggest creating one for this purpose.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Parts of an Animal

This activity is a labelling game where you have to identify these animal body parts:


Please come back here to leave a comment after you've played the game.

Some or Any? Fill-in-the-gap Quiz

We use the determiners some and any to speak about indefinite quantities or numbers.

We use some for affirmative statements, and any for questions and negative statements:

We need some bread.
Have you got any films with Anthony Hopkins?
She hasn't got any books.

However, we use some in questions when we are making offers or requests and when we want to encourage the person we are speaking to answer 'yes'.

Could you buy me some milk on your way home?
Would you like some tea?

Click on the image below to start the quiz.

Games for Education, 游戏学英语