
Friday, 3 July 2009

Wizard's Widgets

Listen to Jim Pettiward talking about widgets, but before you do, try this quiz. Then, listen and do the quiz again. Post your answers in the comments section below.

Choose the best answer:

1. A widget /ˈwɪdʒɪt/ is
a) a small bird b) a mini computer program c) a weather gadget

2. Draught /drɑ:ft/ beer is
a) British canned beer b) beer served directly from a barrel c) a beer containing a widget

3. An etymologist /etɪˈmɒləʤɪst/ is someone who
a) studies the origin of words b) designs widgets c) regularly plays roulette

4. 'Widgetry' is best described as
a) a very high level of skill at something b) the art of designing widgets c) magical powers


  1. really interesting- especially the beer part- didn't know that!

    PS: like the new comment form!

  2. just stopped by to have a peek & say hello

  3. Actually, Nick, this was like an accident! It wasn't meant to be! lol
    This comment format was supposed to be a page comment, appearing on the left column, but I still can't get it to work! :-(

  4. 1) B)
    2) C)
    3) A)
    4) B)

  5. 2 is wrong, Jesus.

  6. really interesting- especially the beer part- didn't know that!

    PS: like the new comment form!

  7. just stopped by to have a peek & say hello


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