
Saturday, 26 September 2009

Jumbled Sentences: The States of Matter (Science, Secondary 1, Year 7)

This is an activity where what you see is a set or words in random order. What you have to do is to arrange them in the correct order. When you have done that, email me with your answers, and I'll correct them.

The activity is in a PowerPoint presentation hosted in Scribd. You can move from slide to slide interactively by just clicking on the 'next page' and 'previous page' arrows. If the image is too small, you can watch it in full screen mode by clicking on the 'toggle full screen' icon at the top right of the PowerPoint image below. If you prefer, you can download the file, but you'd need to be a registered member of Scribd.

Jumbled Sentence: Elementary Science - The States of Matter


  1. Lucia G. Castro G.^^!1 October 2009 at 15:28

    I completed all the phrases.^^!

  2. When you've completed the sentences, email them to me and I'll correct them.

  3. my name is karen3 October 2009 at 17:34

    hello I love chuuuuuuu

  4. Cristina Muñoz 1A5 October 2009 at 16:24

    No me saleeee >:o

  5. Cristina Muñoz 1A5 October 2009 at 16:29

    Yo lo hice pero no me deja mandar el correo con las frases, no se por qué :( >:o :(

  6. Cristina, why not? You have to use your email account (Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc), paste the sentences onto the message and email to:

  7. Voy a intentarlo ahora ....

  8. 1.there are three states of matter.
    2.the three states of matter are clled solid,liquid and gas.
    3when you heat solid they change to liquid.
    4.when you heat liquids they changes to gas.
    5.when you cool gas it changes to liquid.
    6.when you cool liquid it changes to solid.
    7.gases are easy to compress.
    8.solids have a fixed shape and volume.
    9.the particles in solids are very close together.
    10.the particles in gas are far apart from each other
    11.Im don´t know
    12.liquids can change but their shape have a definit volume.
    13.Im don´t know
    14.Im don´t know
    8-) :-$

  9. Claudia Quintana H.13 October 2009 at 18:18

    I do all the phrase in my notebook =P

  10. Claudia Quintana H.13 October 2009 at 18:23

    except the eleven and fourteen :(

  11. Carolina de 2º ESO A27 October 2009 at 17:54

    <span style="color: #808080;">¿En qué estás pensando...?</span>
    I know all th sentences! ^^ =P

    Chu i send the senteces by email... BYE =)

  12. OK, good, Carolina. I'll take a look at them.

  13. Elena karen jorge rodrigo28 November 2009 at 11:55

    <span style="">where you send five natural questions?</span>

  14. ok, I see you've found my email in the end :)

  15. ok, I see you've found my email in the end :)

  16. Cristina Muñoz 1A7 July 2011 at 09:04

    Yo lo hice pero no me deja mandar el correo con las frases, no se por qué :( >:o :(

  17. Cristina, why not? You have to use your email account (Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc), paste the sentences onto the message and email to:

  18. 1.there are three states of matter.
    2.the three states of matter are clled solid,liquid and gas.
    3when you heat solid they change to liquid.
    4.when you heat liquids they changes to gas.
    5.when you cool gas it changes to liquid.
    6.when you cool liquid it changes to solid.
    7.gases are easy to compress.
    8.solids have a fixed shape and volume.
    9.the particles in solids are very close together.
    10.the particles in gas are far apart from each other
    11.Im don´t know
    12.liquids can change but their shape have a definit volume.
    13.Im don´t know
    14.Im don´t know
    8-) :-$

  19. Elena karen jorge rodrigo7 July 2011 at 09:04

    <span style="">where you send five natural questions?</span>

  20. ok, I see you've found my email in the end :)

  21. ok, I see you've found my email in the end :)


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