
Monday, 5 April 2010

Adjectives of Emotions and Feelings: -ed vs -ing endings, quiz, crossword, jigsaw

Here are a few activities to help you learn adjectives which describe emotions and feelings. If you still get confused with the -ed and the -ing endings, remember that you are interested in something, but it's the thing itself that is interesting.


The students were confused by his confusing explanation.
I'm excited about my new job. I think it will be exciting!

Click here to start the quiz. Provide a valid email and the results (along with the correct answers) will be automatically mailed to you.

Click here to start this online crossword puzzle. Don't forget to come back here when you've finished to report your score in the comments section.

Click here to play the 32-piece jigsaw puzzle.

Click here for the 64-piece jigsaw puzzle.


  1. <span>¿En qué estás pensando...?</span>

  2. Carlitos y Davidsito6 May 2010 at 13:40

    We are thinking that we are the best, because we have a perfect exam, hahahahaah we laught you. 8-)

  3. My scored was 60%

  4. Carlitos y Davidsito6 May 2010 at 13:47

    <span>Attay you are the worst, you need more work, hahahaha</span> O:-) ;)

  5. Carlitos y Davidsito6 May 2010 at 13:47

    <span>We are think that we are the best, because we have had a perfect exam, hahahahaha we laught you. 8-) </span>

  6. Carlitos y Davidsito6 May 2010 at 13:49

    Chieeeeeeeeeeew we want to fight with you, hehehehehee :-[

  7. Carlitos y Davidsito6 May 2010 at 13:50

    whahaahahahahahahaaahahahahahahaha, Ana the frog, hahahahahaa *DONT_KNOW* :-P

  8. Mariano Y Eli los cojos6 May 2010 at 13:52

    <span>We scored was 77%  carlitos y davisito maxim ego!!!!!! jodiu

  9. Carlitos y Davidsito6 May 2010 at 13:54

    Us present for you, Ana, is your boyfriend! =-X whahaahahahaa

  10. Carlitos y Davidsito6 May 2010 at 13:54

    <span></span><span>v=k85mRPqvMbE </span>
    Us present for Ana the frog, your boyfriend is in this video! =-X whahahahahaahahahahaha

  11. <span>Carlos you are a little boy, Can I fight you?

  12. <span>88%. I´m very happyyy

  13. hector rivero6 May 2010 at 13:57

    <span>I think that its a good web page were we can learn some vocabulary . Thanks chiew

  14. dacil y sulema6 May 2010 at 13:57

    <span>our score was 100%</span>

  15. <span>I want your answer Chiew, you are the best my friend!

  16. 瓦塔三个可哟啊————!!!擦!!

  17. <span>Carlos, the answer is below! Haha / I don't know how the keyboard writes in CHinese! And I don't know CHinese! </span> :-D :-P

  18. Or how about this, Carlos?

    أو كيف حول هذا الموضوع ، كارلوس؟ الصخور شيو العالم كله واسعة! شيو هو أفضل!

    Oi, by the way, your comments didn't appear in Lexiophiles! What did you write? I suppose it wasn't approved by the moderators. :'(

  19. <span>¿En qué estás pensando...?</span>

  20. Mariano Y Eli los cojos7 July 2011 at 09:02

    <span>We scored was 77%  carlitos y davisito maxim ego!!!!!! jodiu

  21. <span>Carlos, the answer is below! Haha / I don't know how the keyboard writes in CHinese! And I don't know CHinese! </span> :-D :-P


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