
Wednesday, 21 April 2010

IV Premio Espiral Edublogs 2010

The finalists of this year's Premio Espiral Edublogs 2010 has been announced, and I'm mighty pleased to say that a cLiL to cLiMB is on the list!

Just to get to be on the list is very encouraging indeed, especially taking into account the blog isn't quite a year old, and it's been quite an upcLiL struggle to convince teachers that there really is stuff here both they and their students can use. It is rather frustrating to find that there are still a lot of them who are stuck in their old tried and tested methodology and are reluctant to tear away from their paper-bound mentality. Incidentally, tomorrow is Earth Day, and I've signed a pledge not to use or receive paper on that day - not that I do during other days! You can do the same on TeachPaperless.

What is important for me is not so much the amount of awards I can win, but rather that the stuff I create gets to be used by both teachers and students alike, and that it could help them improve their knowledge and skills, and more importantly, perhaps, to help them enjoy language rather than, as so many of them do, dread their English lessons. If winning awards helps increase readership, which, in turn, increases the number of people using the activities and suggestions here, then they will indeed be most welcomed and will surely give me infinite encouragement to carry on creating.

You can see the list of finalists here, and if you would like to say something about the blog, you can do it here, or by clicking on the image above. Oh, it is also very encouraging to note that the blog became a finalist in spite of the pitiful number of comments written!

Thank you for your valued support, and much gratitude goes especially to all those who have commented here and elsewhere on cyberland.


  1. Congratulations Chiew! A fantastic feat. I was at a workshop here in fuerteventura when your blog was mentioned. Don't worry about your lack of comments!

    Well done...

  2. Thanks Leahn. What was the workshop about? Who ran it?

  3. <span>I don't know exactly how many came to the final last year, but a lot more</span>
    (Norberto, Mª Jesus, Guía, mine and others).  Well, have a nice day.
    and congratulations for this great job

  4. Gracia - IES Los Tarahales22 April 2010 at 20:22

    <span>Well done, Chiew!</span>

    You're doing an unpayable task with our students. With you, they have found out a new and fynny way of studying English and many other subjects. Thanks a lot and good luck for the next step.


  5. Thanks, Gracia. :)

  6. If you have something to say about this blog, be it good or bad, be it in English or Spanish, please say it here.
    Much appreciated.

  7. Rosa I. Pérez Parapar23 April 2010 at 17:24

    <span>Congratulations! </span>
    <span>I follow your blog and I find there´s a lot of work behind it.</span>
    <span>Keep up the good work!</span>
    <span>Rosa (</span>

  8. Thank you, Rosa. :)

  9. Hi Chiew,

    I work on the language assistant project in Fuerteventura and give workshops at the CEPs here. I am doing a slot on CLIL activities and one of the other ponentes at the workshop (Sergio Perez) mentioned your blog and that you were an assistant too!

    Imagine my surprise as I have been follwing your blog and did'nt realise your were near by!

  10. 8-) :-P 8-) :-D :-D

  11. Sole- IES Los Tarahales24 April 2010 at 20:34

    <span> </span>
    It´s a great honour for our school that our English assistant is one of the finalists of this year´s Premio Espiral Edublogs 2010. Our students have improved their knowledge and skills, and they have found out a new and easier way of studying Art and Science in English.
    Thanks a lot.
    Cheer up! You are doing an excellent job!

  12. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-D :-D :-D

  13. Rosa I. Pérez Parapar30 April 2010 at 19:38

    <span>Chiew, I have recommended your blog as being worth visiting in my list for the "Vale a pena ficar de olho nesse blog!". (I know I am not the only one to recommend you)
    Best wishes!

  14. Thank you, Rosa! :)

  15. Thank you, Rosa. :)

  16. Sole- IES Los Tarahales7 July 2011 at 09:02

    <span> </span>
    It´s a great honour for our school that our English assistant is one of the finalists of this year´s Premio Espiral Edublogs 2010. Our students have improved their knowledge and skills, and they have found out a new and easier way of studying Art and Science in English.
    Thanks a lot.
    Cheer up! You are doing an excellent job!

  17. 8-) :-P 8-) :-D :-D


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