
Friday, 9 April 2010

Your Opinion Counts!

Please spare a few seconds of your time and complete this voting form. The action I take depends on the opinions of my readers.



  1. <span>Hi Chiew how are you? </span>

  2. Paola! SO nice to see you here again! :-D
    I'm fine, and you? Do you like your new teacher? ARe you learning from her? You know that there are always activities here for you to do. Write to me now and again and let me know how you're getting on. How's the rest of the class? Send them my regards, please. And tell them I want to see them here! :-P :-P :-P

  3. <span>I'm fine thanks . Yes I like the new teacher . Yes , I ' am.</span>
    <span>I write for you again .ok thanks and you write for me</span>

  4. I'd write to you, but I haven't got your email! :(
    So, either you write to my email (it's at the top of the right column), or I wait for you to write a comment. :)


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.