
Thursday, 13 January 2011

Idioms Part 2 (Animals Ants - Birds) Interactive Game

Here's the second part of this series on idioms. The games are short and sweet, so there isn't any excuse not to try them!

Chiew's CLIL EFL ESL ELL TEFL Free Online Games Activities: Animal Idioms

Be sure to check out the rest in this series:

Part 1 (Transport)
Part 2 (Animals Ants - Birds)
Part 3 (Animals Bees - Cats)
Part 4 (Animals Dogs)
Part 5 (Animals Elephant - Flea)
Part 6 (Animals Fly - Hawk)
Part 7 (Animals - Horses)
Part 8 (Animals - Horses Part 2)
Part 9 (Animals Kittens - Lions)
Part 10 (Animals Monkeys - Pigs)
Part 11 (Animals Pigeons - Rats)


  1. srviera@pas.ulpgc.es14 January 2011 at 09:26

    <span>Me encanta tú blog. Pero como puedo practicar grámatica. Hay algún apartado que no haya descubierto.</span>
    Felicidades por el blog, y muchas gracias
    un saludo,

  2. <span><span>srviera, thank you for your comment. Most of the activities here are interactive, and takes the form of various types of games, and quizzes. However, there are also some offline activities which the teachers could use in the classroom or for students to do at home. If the answers to activities aren't available, you can email your answers to me and I'll take a look.</span></span>

    Now, to look for activities, look at the top left column where it says 'For Your Browsing Pleasure'. Note that some people can't see the windows explorer-type folders below this. This is normally because they are using Internet Explorer (some configurations give problems) and/or because they haven't got Java enabled.

    If your browser works (this blog has been optimised for Firefox and Google Chrome), you should see 'Categories' below the Browsing Pleasure title.

    If you see a + sign before the folder name, it means that there are sub-folders available. Just keep clicking on the + until you get to what you want.

    There are grammar activities under GAMES AND QUIZZES, and also under JUMBLED SENTENCES.

    If you have other problems, or you don't understand my explanation, let me know.

  3. <span><span>srviera, thank you for your comment. Most of the activities here are interactive, and takes the form of various types of games, and quizzes. However, there are also some offline activities which the teachers could use in the classroom or for students to do at home. If the answers to activities aren't available, you can email your answers to me and I'll take a look.</span></span>

    Now, to look for activities, look at the top left column where it says 'For Your Browsing Pleasure'. Note that some people can't see the windows explorer-type folders below this. This is normally because they are using Internet Explorer (some configurations give problems) and/or because they haven't got Java enabled.

    If your browser works (this blog has been optimised for Firefox and Google Chrome), you should see 'Categories' below the Browsing Pleasure title.

    If you see a + sign before the folder name, it means that there are sub-folders available. Just keep clicking on the + until you get to what you want.

    There are grammar activities under GAMES AND QUIZZES, and also under JUMBLED SENTENCES.

    If you have other problems, or you don't understand my explanation, let me know.


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