
Saturday, 26 March 2011

*NEW* Index file to help with your browsing!

In spite of having a drop-down menu (For your browsing pleasure on the top of the left column of this page), some of you have remarked that it was still difficult for you to find certain activities! If we add to that the fact that some security systems, especially public systems such as MEDUSA), prohibit access to the free hosting site I use and, therefore, cannot access this menu, I decided I had to offer an alternative.

This alternative comes in the form of a comprehensive index file, hosted in Google Docs, listed in alphabetical order within each category. If you still can't find what you're looking for, use CTRL F to open up a search box, type in your search, and, hopefully, you'll find it! If you still can't, email me:

To access this index file, look at the top of the left column. Just under For Your Browsing Pleasure, you'll see a string of words beginning with 'If you don't like...'. Click on this and the index file will open up in a new window/tab. Alternatively, you can also reach it via the index page above.

Footnote: In the image, I wrote that you could send me suggestions, etc. by clicking on DISCUSSIONS. Unfortunately, this isn't true. You can only write in DISCUSSIONS if you are authorized to edit the document, which no-one can except me.

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