
Friday, 17 June 2011

Sir Ken Robinson on work, talent, opportunities and passion

When Sir Ken Robinson speaks, one usually listens. He's a wonderful storyteller, a great speaker. He has no need for notes, merely relying on his memory, his experience, his passion. And, he's funny. Talking about passion is his passion. Recently, in March, to be exact, he spoke in Conway Hall, London; he spoke about finding our purpose in life. So, when I found out that Vimeo has published a video of his sermon, I rushed straight in. As usual, he spoke with his typical wit, recounting story after story. Even though it's 50 minutes, I can assure it'll be well spent.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Chiew, Sir Ken Robinson is amazing isn't he. I love the idea of being given the freedom to admit that you don't know something. Yhe idea that we are all good at something and we are all passionate about something is good to remember sometimes too. Sometimes the little things someone does arr actually great. The butterfly fluttering its wings effect....You post some very interesting things. :-)

  2. Thanks for commenting, Sharon. I'm, like most, a tremendous fan of Sir Ken; speakers like him are very rare indeed. He may repeat his message, he may repeat some of his anecdotes, but I never tire of listening to him.


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