
Sunday, 8 January 2012

Project 366: The First Seven Days

Here was how it all started with me.

I thought about it, and being keen on photography anyway, it was a challenge that wouldn't fade away from my mind. Out came the camera, and it's been snapping ever since.

The difference between my endeavour and Carol's is that I decided against using ShutterCal, and started my own stream in Flickr. My goal is a minimum of 1 photo a day (with no maximum), and you can see all of them here. Here are my selection of 7 from the first seven days.

01/01: Home-made Xmas Sweets
02/01 Waiting for student...

03/01: Lines & Contrast
04/01: Unplugged
05/01: Street band
06/01: Shoes fit for the kings
07/01 God! What have I let myself in for!
I think there are some latecomers joining in this challenge - are you up to it?


  1. Great photos to start your year, Chiew. Well done! I love the glimpses we get into other people's lives and experiences through photos like these and on ELTpics. I'm glad you decided to do it.

  2. Hi Carol, and all thanks to you for giving me the gentle push! When I start something I'd like to finish it, so I'm hoping to sustain the pace! Just another thing for me to thing about at the start of each day, haha.

  3. Good luck to you and all other 366ers!! I love the shoes btw;)
    And very true about finishing what's been started, nothing gives more satisfaction than that!

  4. Thanks, Ann, do you use shoes over where you are, too? Actually, they're more practical than stockings, don't you think so? ;)

  5. Great pictures Chiew. I agree with Carol that it's fun to have a glimpse into the lives of our friends in other countries. I hope that we all manage to keep up the challenge. Here's to week 2

  6. Hear hear! Thanks for the comment, Sue!

  7. Good for you!
    my mission with pictures is different. I'm lucky to have people who take great pics in my vicinity but then who ever sees these pics? I USE them! I post them in my blog, use them in school lessons and more! it's amazing how context highlights great pics!
    enjoyed these pics a lot!

  8. Yes, Naomi, I, too, love using images in the class. I would love to have a class blog where I could encourage students to be creative. In fact, if I ever get a better camera, I'll start a photo blog. Yes, another! Hehe

  9. Fantastic pictures, Chiew! You've made a great start to this really inspiring project.

    Yes, I'm definitely up to it and I started on Day 9 and have caught up now :-)

    I'm aiming to finish what I've started as well, so let's hope we will keep each other motivated and inspired until Day 366, lol!!

  10. Great, Jan! Am looking forward to great photos!


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