
Saturday 19 May 2012

Twitter hashtags for educators: an index, at last!

If you're using Twitter, chances are that you are at least aware of hashtags, even if you don't use them. And if you do use them, no doubt, you've sometimes felt somewhat overwhelmed and confused. Part of the problem is it's a free-for-all concept. There's no official body to register hashtags and everyone can use any words as hashtags, and as many as they want.

Through time, nevertheless, regular tweeps (people who tweet) tend to stick to a few they use for their own interests but still feel at a lost to what unfamiliar ones mean. Worse, for me, is the duplication of tags and the long ones, especially when abbreviation is possible. Bear in mind that each tag eats up on the 140-character limit that Twitter has!

A recent confusion on a tag was the impetus I needed to create an index, unofficial as it may be. Whether it works depends on the will of others to keep it going. It's done on Google Doc, free for everyone to update. As long as it's not vandalised, I'll keep it public. My wish is that educators would start streamlining hashtags and mark unused ones as OBSOLETE or REPLACED BY... so that the community will grow even more.

What's your opinion? Will you start using it and let others know, too?

Twitter education hashtags index
Twitter education hashtags index
Twitter education hashtags index


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Guido! And thanks for reminding about VRT! You can always add it yourself, you know!

  2. a good reference point, Chiew Pang. I'm relatively new to using Twitter for Professional and Educational purposes (since Jan 2012). Still learning about ways to use hashtags effectively. Phil

    1. Well, Phil, if I can be of help in any way, just let me know. In my scoop - the link is in the index document - there are useful links, too.

  3. I wasn't aware of that! Now, Twitter will make more sense to me! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I'm glad to have been able to help - just spread the word!

  4. Exploring your article about 'Twitter hashtags'.Really interesting. Thanks

  5. Great Job Chiew, what an effort! Thanks

    1. Thanks for the comment, Noor. Hope it'll be of use to people!

  6. You are always one step ahead! This is a great idea! Thank you for starting it.

  7. Thanks for this Chiew.
    It is really comprehensive.
    A discussion recently started on the BESIG ning about Business hashtags, so I just shared your Index link there.

    1. Hi Josh. Glad you've found it useful. It's open-source, so it can only get more comprehensive as more people become aware of it. Cheers!

  8. Fantastic! What a useful post & list.
    Thanks for sharing ;-)
    I also encourage educators to join weekly grade specific chats ;-)
    e.g. #4thchat #5thchat #6thchat etc!

    1. Glad you find it useful, Ally. Feel free to add #4thchat, etc to the index.

  9. I have reblogged this because it perfectly complements some articles I have written for tweacher newbies.

  10. Hi, Chiew! I'm also into Twitter. Some of these hashtags I've used. It's good to learn other hashtags which I can use in the future. Twitter is such a great PLN tool!


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